B i o g r a p h y
Born in London, my early education was in Kent at Caldecott School and then Ashford North Secondary Modern School. At the age of seven my music teacher, Miss Betty Rayment, started to teach me both piano and violin. She remained my teacher until the age of 15 years when I was lucky enough to be accepted to study at Huddersfield School of Music, then part of the College of Technology, now University of Huddersfield. Here I completed my secondary education whilst studying music full time. Among others, I studied piano with Ronald Newton and piano accompaniment with Keith Swallow, I also studied organ and harpsichord as well as Cello with Richard Steinitz. My musical education there was wide ranging and of the highest calibre and also included studying orchestration and piano reduction with Harold Truscott.
I then studied for a music degree at the University of Liverpool, where I received a BA (Hons), studying with, among others, Dr Michael Talbot and Hugh Wood. My immediate years after University were somewhat aimless, and included working in the Civil Service for three years. However, in 1978/79 I completed a PGCE at L.I.H.E., St. Katherines College (now Liverpool Hope University), and from there started teaching music at Netherley Community Comprehensive School, where I eventually became Head of Department and remained there for some 16 years despite the name change to Lee Manor High School. Netherley has an important place in my heart and the people and pupils there taught me much about life and the value and fundamental importance of education.
After leaving classroom teaching I have been working as a private piano teacher and freelance accompanist. I have, over the last 15 years established a respected piano tuition practice working from home; I work with a number of local teachers as an accompanist for ABRSM exams; I am also the accompanist for King David High School exams and concerts, and sometimes work with Bluecoat School. I also work as a freelance accompanist with students at the University of Liverpool completing the performance module of their music degrees. I also run, three times a year, Special Visit ABRSM exams for local teachers that I work with, as well as my own pupils.

I offer piano tuition from 7 years of age upwards, from beginner to beyond Grade 8. I offer piano accompaniment for ABRSM exams, Trinity Collge Music Exams as well as local concerts, to students studying for degree and MA performances, and Diploma performances if they can be accommodated. I also offer Music Theory Grade 5, with a 100% pass rate. I am a member of EPTA (European Piano Teachers Association) and I am CRB checked.